Saturday, April 3, 2010

Natural foods are key part of beauty

Chemical-based products and poor eating habits can play havoc with people's complexions, according to one expert, who said that getting the right nutrition is absolutely essential for good natural skin care.

The Calgary Herald spoke to naturopathic doctor Alan Logan, who said that a lack of sleep and stress can also lead to poor and faded skin.

"I would not suggest that's a substitute for putting on appropriate sunscreen products, but that translates into a 30 per cent decreased risk of skin cancers over our lifetimes. That's huge," he told the publication.

The skin care expert also recommended protecting against wrinkles by making sure you eat the right kind of nutrients and avoid poor eating habits, smoking, chemicals, lack of sleep and stressful situations.

According to Reuters, Genevieve Buckland and associates at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona looked into the diet which is eaten in countries like Greece and found that sticking to fish and not eating too much red meat can reduce the risk of heart disease.

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